The red-haired woman
Was tracing constellations
On the freckles of her arm
Perhaps she should trace
some eyebrows
My daddy used to whisper prophecies
Into wine bottles
About damnation contained
In a toilet bowl
And carve commandments into my back
About the gym rules
At the senior center
It was good information to know
I once got lost in the pumice holes
Of a chicken bone
The porous white bastards
Spread on a mosaic of dry mud
In the desert somewhere
Where the buzzards circle
Over your shoulder
Trying to find out
Your pin number
That was embarrassing
I once fell in love with the sunset
But the sunset changes fast
From minute to minute
I mean
It’ll keep you warm for a while
But it gets cold fast
And pretty soon you’re wandering
Through outer darkness
And all you can think about
Is how pretty the sunset was
But you can’t remember a damn word it said
And you think maybe it didn’t speak at all
And if it did
It wasn’t worth remembering
And besides, how many fools have loved the sunset?
And how many more will?
No one will ever truly get close to the sunset
Also, by sunset I mean a specific woman
That I knew
In case you didn’t understand.
Also, the sunset won’t return my phone calls
Get the coffins ready, boys
I’ve been saving my quarters
I’ve been shaving my knuckles
To the bone
The bastards have hammered their last nails
The bitches will commence their brooming
And I’ve come to make things straight
I’ve come to divide your skulls
With a brick
I’ve come to smoke cherry-flavored
Tobacco through a chicken bone pipe
And watch a dozen or so lines of pink smoke
Drift up like sea grass
And make passes
At foreign girls
Too young to know better
But first, I’ll make a necklace of your teeth
hung on a string of your saliva
And you’ll be spitting cherry blossoms
On to the pavement
A whole fucking bouquet
In full bloom
I cut my umbilical cord
with a broken wine bottle once
No matter how hard you try
You can’t prevent stupid things
from happening
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